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Package for reloading R-functions released

Please find a helpful R-package that eases reload of R scripts. Just download reload_1.0.tar.gz and run the following lines. You may also get a list of all functions in your workspace by entering desc(). Just try these lines: You may also include it in your startup profile to allow seemless reloading of your scripts. Just […]

Presentation at LBS 2014, Vienna

Recently, I presented an approach for privacy-preserving aggregation of distributed mobility streams at the symposium on location based services LBS2014 in Vienna. T. Liebig, “Privacy Preserving Aggregation of Distributed Mobility Data Streams,” in Proceedings of the 11th Symposium on Location-Based Services, 2014, pp. 86-99. [Bibtex] [ Draft] @inproceedings{liebig14d, author={Liebig, Thomas}, title={Privacy Preserving Aggregation of Distributed Mobility Data […]

Presentation at IEEE Big Data

I presented our roundtable architecture for the INSIGHT project  at the recent IEEE conference on Big Data. Great conference! F. Schnitzler, T. Liebig, S. Mannor, G. Souto, S. Bothe, and H. Stange, “Heterogeneous Stream Processing for Disaster Detection and Alarming,” in IEEE International Conference on Big Data, 2014, pp. 914-923. [Bibtex] [ Draft] @inproceedings{schnitzler14b, title={Heterogeneous Stream […]

Thomas Liebig presentation at GeoDev

Presentations at Cologne and Athens

Yesterday I went to the first GeoDev Meetup in Cologne and presented the European INSIGHT project to the regional geo developers. The other presentations were also interesting. Last week I spent in Athens attending the International Conference on Extending Database Technology (EDBT) and the Workshop on Mining Urban Data. We also had a fruitful meeting with our collegues of the INSIGHT project.